Calls for Applications: FLAC Fellowship 2022

The Feminist Learning and Activist Centre (FLAC) is a programme of Soul City Institute for Social Justice. It is a learning, and co-creation space that promotes a feminist consciousness. It aims to inspire young, African womxn to search and embrace lifelong learning, and activism.

The FLAC Fellowship Program is a one-of-a-kind feminism and leadership opportunity open to all young womxn, between 18 - 25 from all over South Africa who wish to address and dismantle patriarchy, achieve self-determination, in order to fully realise their human rights and live with dignity in a just society.

The 2 year-long program prepares young people to become leaders of change in their communities through learning feminism theory, methodology & Activism, Personal Injustice, Trauma & Healing, Organisational Development & Leadership Building, Sexual & Gender Based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Justice, leadership and activism. The program will also require participants to identify and undertake a Social Action Community Project that advances feminism and gender equality..

SCI is accepting applications from interested parties to participate in this programme.

The course is free!

Eligibility Criteria

All interested participants must have the following:

  • Matric or NQF equivalent

  • 18-25 Years Old

  • Self-identify as “womxn”

  • Track record of activism (Preferably with focus on womxn)

  • Demonstrate a commitment to social justice and feminism

  • Have a good idea for a Social Action Project


  • Please submit your CV, a motivation letter for why you want to be on the course, and a summary of your idea for a Social Action Project.

  • Two letters of recommendation from a community representative, or employer.


  • Your CV should not be more than 3 pages. We suggest that it be prepared in Times New Roman, 12 font. Give general CV information as well as a description of a time you have shown leadership in your life.

Two Letters of recommendation

  • Your letters should come from people who know your work ethic and commitment to your community. Friends and family members are discouraged from writing letters of recommendation.

  • Recommenders should state their name, position, contact info, and relationship to the applicant at the top of the letter.

People living in rural areas, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Our definition of “women” includes all people who self-identify as such.

Send your application with supporting documents to on/before 20 May 2022.
If you have any questions or need further clarifications, please feel free to contact .

Good luck with your application!!!

© 2023 Soul City Institute